Sometimes, nothing

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Why do we need proof for everything?

I’m going to be honest – the last few days I’ve felt nothing when I pray. I know He’s there. I know He’s listening. I know He is acting on my behalf. I know He loves me. And Yes, I love Him. My lack of “feeling” doesn’t negate His power.

But sometimes, something on my end of the conversation is missing. And in those moments, I want to see, hear, taste, smell or touch (is my middle name Thomas?) and “feel” His presence.

Why is that? What makes us, as human beings, so dependent on the “proof” of things we can’t see?

Remember the parable of the woman who lost one of her coins? She didn’t sit around and “wish” it was found. She didn’t sit back and wait for others to find it for her.

She got to “sweeping”.

She cleaned every inch. She made it her priority and moved forward, even when she didn’t find it in the first 5 minutes. She didn’t wait for proof. She KNEW her treasure was there.

She needed her treasure to survive.

There’s a song titled, “The More I Seek You”. The Lyrics are, “The more I seek You, the more I find You.” It’s true. And sadly, the oppposite is also true. The less I seek Him, the less I find Him. It’s not that He’s not there — is ALWAYS there. But He’s given me the choice to spend time in His presence…or not.

So, if I’m honest with myself, I’ve been lazy the last few days. I’ve been the exact opposite of the lady in the parable.

Ironically, I need my Treasure to survive, too.

Confession is good for the soul — but actions speak louder than words.
So, I better go.
I’ve got some “sweeping” to do.

3 responses to “Sometimes, nothing”

  1. Cheryl Barker Avatar
    Cheryl Barker

    Donna, I saw your comment on Jean’s blog and clicked on over to your site. I noticed in your profile that some of your work has been used by Blue Mountain Arts. So has mine! Small world, huh?

    Hope you enjoyed your “sweeping” this morning!


  2. WordWrangler Avatar

    Hi Cheryl! BMA? How cool!

    I’ll hop over and check out your blog. And yes, I’m enjoying the “big sweep”. LOL!


  3. Jean Matthew Hall Avatar
    Jean Matthew Hall

    I read this quote in a book. It is ascribed to an unknow prisoner of war who scratched it on the wall of his/her cell:

    I believe in the sun even when it is not shining; I believe in love even when feeling it not; I believe in God even when He is silent.

    That’s faith.

    My Conversations With God at


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