My gifts to you…

Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing some Holiday videos. Some are specifically Christmas – and might make you cry.

Others are Christmas – but more on the funny side.

And some might involve animals singing holiday songs. I’m just warning ya.  

The first video for this week is one my mom shared with me and I finally watched. I’m so glad I did!

Here you go. The song is one you might recognize – but the video that now accompanies the music is fabulous!

Let me know what you think…

3 responses to “My gifts to you…”

  1. Linda Andersen Avatar
    Linda Andersen

    Hi Donna,
    Thanks! This was lovely! I’ve already sent it out to family and friends. I know they’ll enjoy it too. Merry Christmas!

    Linda A.


  2. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

    I’m so glad! I hope they like it as much as you and I! 🙂

    Merry Christmas, my friend. And a happy New Year!


  3. Jean Avatar

    Fantastic! I love the image of Jesus smiling! I’m going to enjoy that smile for all eternity.

    Christmas Blessings,


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