And the Winner is…(cue the drumroll)…


This seems WAY too easy to just announce who won. I mean, if I just tell you, where’s the suspense? Where’s the fluttery-feeling in your stomach? Where’s the nail-biting moment before the big reveal?

Hmmm… what if I upped the prize? What if there are TWO winners? Yeah. I like that idea.

Let the nail-biting and tummy-flutters begin!

Sean just stuck his hand in the bowl (with eyes closed, of course)…

Swirly – swirly – swirly – SNAG! 

And again, his hand is swirling – whirling – round it goes (NO PEEKING!) and… SNAG!

Let’s all ask in our sweetest voice, “Who won, Hon?”

(that was so sweet, y’all!)

His answer?

RUTH and Nicole Zoltack!”

Huge thanks to all who signed up for this contest. I wish I had enough books for everyone. Now, if you want a chance to win something that tastes good, check out Kristi M’s blog HERE!

Ruth and Nicole Z, please email me at wordwranglernc at hotmail dot com with your snail mail address and the pb you want critiqued. (sorry for the funky way my email is typed, but trying to keep out bots and such!)

8 responses to “And the Winner is…(cue the drumroll)…”

  1. Kelly Polark Avatar

    Congrats, ladies!!! Thanks for a great contest, Donna!


  2. Linda Andersen Avatar
    Linda Andersen

    Congratulations, ladies. You’ll love the book.
    Linda A.


  3. Carol Baldwin Avatar

    talk about suspenseful writing! congrats to your winners. I guess I’ll just have to check the title out of the library! Carol


  4. Ruth Avatar

    Oh, yay, I’m so excited! Thanks so much, Donna! I’ll email you.


  5. Kristi Avatar

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to win! I’ll still check that book out. And thanks for reminding folks about my Moravian cookie contest too!


  6. Karin Avatar

    Congrats to Ruth and Nicole!!!!


  7. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

    Thanks to all who participated!


  8. Cali Avatar

    Congrats! Ruth, Nicole! Lovely contest!!!!


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