Portrait of joy

9 responses to “Portrait of joy”

  1. Joyce Moyer Hostetter Avatar



  2. Carol Federlin Baldwin Avatar

    Beautiful picture!!


  3. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

    Thank you, Joyce and Carol!


  4. Vijaya Avatar

    Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God. -Teilhard de Chardin


  5. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

    What a beautiful quote, Vijaya! My dd above is so in love with God. She sings about Him all the time. She prays and talks about “deep” stuff that sometimes makes me have to really take a step back and ponder. I am so blessed!


  6. Joy Frelinger Avatar

    The world needs more JOY.
    Thank you for sharing this.
    It is like receiving
    a hug or a kiss.


    1. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

      Hi Joy! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment! I’ll share it with my sweet DD. 🙂


  7. Vijaya Avatar

    Joy, a character in my latest book is named Joy for that specific reason 🙂 She IS Joy.
    Donna, I’ve thought about this word a lot — I pick names very carefully. So sweet that your daughter is in love with Jesus. I was like that too as a child. Wanted to be a nun actually … but you know how the story went.


  8. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

    Ooooh! I can’t wait to read it!
    I pick names carefully, too. I try to make sure the name fits the character. Sounds like you’ve got a wonderful character in your story!

    As for your desire to be a nun… you ended up in just the right place! 🙂


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