Loose Ends and New Threads

1. Okay, so a few months ago, I had a book giveaway and then announced it here. My friend Jean Matthew Hall provided the fab prize. Our winner, though, never emailed me with her physical address. Matter of fact, I never received indication that she saw she won. And we want her to have her prize. That being the case – we’re going to announce the winner ONE MORE TIME! (cue the winning music and confetti!)

If, at that time, she doesn’t come forward (we’ll give her a one more week), then we’ll host another giveaway.  But this giveaway will include a book, a free critique (from me) and a well, a surprise!

So Lynne Lepley – if you are reading this – Come on down! You’ve won the book you asked for!


2. In the next week or so (I hope!), I will have more info on the Write2ignite conference (March 16-17, 2012) and a really cool interview with a blogging maven who just happens to my a sweet college friend of mine!

3. I will be posting new photography every week. If you like the pic, feel free to share on any of your social networks. If you do share, though, please redirect folks back to this site at some point in the share. I appreciate it!



One response to “Loose Ends and New Threads”

  1. Jean Avatar

    Wow! I forgot the titles of the books — so I hope Lynne responds and reminds me! I’ll be delighted to ship it to her.

    Lavish blessings in 2012,


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