The Writer’s Plot Writing Conference!

For all you folks who want a fabulous way to spend a hot July day… consider this:

I’ve posted some of the info from their website below (hope that’s okay, Pam!) and I hope some of you can go. I want to hear Harold Underdown speak so badly! He is a fab presence on Twitter and now he’ll be right down the road? And I KNOW Pam is a must see. I’ve had the pleasure of being in one of her workshops. That woman can teach the socks off anyone! Vonda rocks and will inspire even a rock to get up and write. And though I haven’t heard Alan Gratz yet, I have been told his presentations are incredible (plus he’s a fellow SCBWI-C member! GO ALAN!) I know all the other speakers are wonderful if for no other reason than Ms. Pam has added them to her roster.

Must see if I can figure out a way to get there. If not, I’m putting it on my conference list for next year! If you sign up, let me know. I’ll want to hear all about it when you return!

The Story Continues — The Writer’s Plot Writing Conference July 21, 2012

PamZ's picture

Submitted by PamZ on Sun, 05/27/2012 – 07:22

Price:  $100 (Members of The Writer’s Plot Community get 10% discount on all prices.) Place:  Furman University, 3300 Poinsett Hwy, Greenville, SC

Keynote speaker:  Harold Underdown, consulting editor

Other speakers:  Edie Melson (social media), Vonda Skelton (magazines), Pam Zollman (scene and sequel), Alan Gratz (plot), Patricia Thomas (picture books), Katya Jensen and Jessica Alexander from Peachtree Publishing, and Diana Flegal with Hartline Literary Agency.

6 responses to “The Writer’s Plot Writing Conference!”

  1. Carol Federlin Baldwin Avatar

    glad you posted this and shared it on the list serve. Hope you can make it! Both Jean and I are driving down Friday night (I’m staying over on Saturday too) so you could catch a ride with one of us and go back with jean. Maybe you could find someone to share a room with too.


  2. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

    If my hubby has to work that weekend, I will prob just be at the conference for the day (travel down and back same day). But If he does NOT have to work, we will be celebrating our 17 year anniversary with our kiddos by camping that weekend. So, I am waiting to see what happens with his work before I can make plans.

    If I get to go, I will be ecstatic!
    But If I get to go camping and celebrate with my sweet kiddos and hubby… I’ll be over the moon!


  3. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

    p.s. Carol – I was so glad to see you posted this to the yahoo group! I received an email about it weeks ago and mean to share. Your post jiggled my brain to do what I shoud have done a while back!


  4. Lynn A. Davidson Avatar

    Congratulations on 17 years, Donna and Sean!


  5. vijaya Avatar

    I hope you’ll get to go and celebrate your anniversary! Sounds wonderful …


    1. Donna Earnhardt Avatar

      I do, too. We’ll see what’s happening that weekend with the weather. I want the kids to enjoy our time together and not feel like they are in an oven the whole time. Ya know?


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